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How to have a translation certified?

Do you already have a good translation and just want to have it certified? And, you don't know exactly how to proceed? Or would you like to know how to order a certified translation, or how to have a translation certified?

Translation agency UniTranslate can help you!

Starry night above mountain summit

In order to have a translation certified, you need to follow a specific procedure, which varies depending on the country and the purpose of the translation. Below are some general steps to follow when getting a translation certified:

In this article we answer important questions like:

I already have a good translation and I just want it to be recognised in Switzerland? Can you certify the translation for us?

We can certify the translation, but before that we would have to check the work carefully and adapt it to the guidelines of a certified translation. The certificate or certification clause certifies that the translation is correct and complete to the best of our knowledge.

Who may certify a translation?

Depending on the canton and the office, the requirements vary and the list is unfortunately long. In the canton of Zurich, notarised translations are often requested, and in the canton of Bern, the "cooperation of the translating person" form must be filled out. Depending on the country, canton or even office, these requirements change. If you do not know the exact requirements, contact us and we will suggest the correct type of certification.

How do I get a certified translation?

You can easily order a certified translation online or via e-mail. Simply send your request to or call us on +41 44 545 55 07 to find out more about the procedure.

How long does certified translation take?

The standard turnaround time is 2-4 working days. UniTranslate also offers express translations!

How much does document translation cost?

Step by step to a certified translation!

In order to have a translation certified, you must follow a specific procedure, which varies depending on the country and the purpose of the translation. Below are some general steps to follow when getting a translation certified:

1) Hire a professional translator: First, you need to hire a professional translator who is qualified to translate your document. The translator should be fluent in both the source and target languages and have expertise in the subject matter of the document.

2) Request certification: Once the translation is complete, you can request certification from the translator. This certifies that the translation is accurate and complete to the best of their knowledge.

3) Notarisation: Depending on the purpose of the translation, you may need to have it certified by a notary public. To do this, you must take the translation with the certificate to a notary, who will check the certificate and then confirm its accuracy with a stamp and signature.

Notary logo

4) Apostille or legalisation: If the translation is to be used abroad, you may need to have it apostilled or legalised. An apostille is an official government certification that confirms the authenticity of the notary's signature and seal. Legalisation is a similar procedure used in some countries that are not parties to the Hague Apostille Convention.

Submitting the certified translation: Finally, you can submit the certified translation to the organisation or authority that needs it. This may be a government agency, court, school or other body that requires proof of translation of your document.

It is important to know that the specific requirements for certifying a translation can vary depending on the country and the purpose of the translation. For example, some translations require additional certification, such as a sworn translation or a translation by a sworn translator. It is always advisable to check with the organisation or agency requiring the translation to ensure you follow the correct procedure.


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